Moment Précieux - Théâtre Antique

Of a beauty and an exceptional accoustic, the Théâtre Antique welcome international artists or emergent artists in France and in Europe. Every Soirée Suds offer two concerts sublimate by the magic of the places... 

Piers Faccini . Italy-England-Frnce 90 min.

14th July at 9:30 PM

Shapes of the Fall, it is the deep song of the Earth, an organic complain that knows how to be as light as the beating wings. With this last project, he invites us to listen a music of the essential, a music of the senses that shows the beauty of our world before it is too late and becomes a lost Paradise. Arround a songwritting without borders, he brings together folk ballads in a gnaouas echoe from the Saharian desert, the melancholy breath of a harmonica, a Cevennes's perfume, Mediterranean scents, a song born in an irish moor... And all his musical geographies go to a single pulsation of strings and voices that resonnate as a strong as scream from the heart !
Piers Faccini (guitar-voice, harmonica) with Malik Ziad (guembri, mandola), Karim Ziad (percussion), Juliette Serrad (cello), Séverine Morfin (alto violin).

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